Physical Disability

The term physical disabilities is broad and covers a range of disabilities and health issues, including both congenital and acquired disabilities. Within that range are physical disabilities or impairments that interfere with a child’s ability to attain the same developmental milestones as his or her age-mates.


Our home carers will assist those in our care to exercise choice, maximise their independence, develop interests and skills whilst feeling safe and cared for by people they know and trust

We can help no matter how simple, or complex the support needs are and with our person centered approach, we ensure that the personal support plans are designed around the personal needs and wishes of the individual, family, friends and any professionals working alongside.

How can we help?

Independence – That you may need just that extra bit of support to remain independent, such as having somebody to call round once a week to help with your washing or ironing, or maybe help with the cleaning.

Help at meal times – To assist with meal preparation or to make you a meal. Yourself or your family member may have a poor appetite and require a support worker to stay with them and encourage them to eat. Or you, or your family member may need help to eat; this is also something we can arrange.

Taking medication – All of our support workers are trained to administer medication in tablet and cream form. Some of our support workers are also able to administer eye drops.

Shopping – Our support workers can collect your pension and do your shopping, you can accompany the carers or stay at home; this is your choice.


Personal Care – Help and support with personal care such as helping you to the use the toilet or commode, help to get out of bed in the morning and washed and dressed, assistance to shower or bath, or assistance to go back to bed, then our support workers will provide you with a first-class service.

Contact Us

If you or a loved is looking for some help at home, please get in touch with us for a no obligation visit and/or discussion with our home care team.

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